Endorsed by Maryland Family Values Alliance.
visit mdfva.org Michael Jackson for Congress,
3rd Congressional District.
Contact my campaign Agenda
1) Transfer public water from a liability to an asset. Creating self sustaining local economies throughout the country.
2) Promote education ,safety, and security over transportation.
3) Establish equal funding for college tuition and apprenticeships in the skilled trades. Promoting self esteem in all of our students.
4) If initiated, work to ensure government funded drug and alcohol treatment programs be long term, after completion of any criminal sentencing, and are voluntary.
Every issue is a catch 22. Every day events can bring about a change in priorities. Transfering water to an asset is my only true priority.
It will lower the cost of both living and of business. It will invigorate the economy every quarter from the bottom up.
This measure will establish a concrete measure ensuring that the local communities are the fundamental foundation of the United States.
Water click on "water" for more info.
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